Customizing the Main Toolbar

In order to customize the Main Toolbar in Just Manager right click anywhere on the Main Toolbar.  Select the Customize entry to enter the Customize Main Toolbar tool.

The following controls are used to customize the toolbar:

Current Toolbar Buttons

The Current Toolbar Buttons control list all of the buttons currently being displayed in the Main Toolbar.  Left click on a button definition to select it.  Only one button definition can be selected at a time.


The [Add ] button will insert a new button before the currently selected toolbar item.  See Add/Edit below for details.


The [Edit] button will edit the currently selected toolbar button.  See Add/Edit below for details.


The [Delete] button will remove the currently selected toolbar button or separator from the toolbar.  No confirmation is requested by the command.


Separators are a special toolbar item.  They are used for aesthetic reasons to allow grouping of the buttons on the Main Toolbar.  Separators are displayed as a horizontal bar.

Separators are not accessible by the user on the Main Toolbar.

Multiple separators are supported in the Main Toolbar.

The [Separator] button will insert a separator before the currently selected toolbar item.

Move Up

The [Move Up] button will move the selected toolbar button or separator in the Current Toolbar Buttons list up one entry.  This button is not available when the first entry in the Current Toolbar Buttons list is selected.

Move Down

The [Move Down] button will move the selected toolbar button or separator  in the Current Toolbar Buttons list down one entry.  This button is not available when the last entry in the Current Toolbar Buttons list is selected.


The [Reset] button is used to reset the toolbar back to the default values.  No confirmation is required.


The [OK] button accepts and applies the changes to the toolbar and then closes the Main Toolbar Customization dialog.


The [Cancel] button discards all changes made to the Main Toolbar back to the point of the last time the [Apply] button was used and then closes the Main Toolbar Customization dialog.


The [Apply] button accepts and applies all changes made to the Main Toolbar.  The changes are immediately reflected in the Main Toolbar.  The Main Toolbar Customization dialog remains open to allow further changes.

The following section defines how to add or edit toolbar buttons:


The Button Customization dialog is used to add or edit toolbar buttons.  The following controls are used:

Common Controls

These controls are shared between the various menu elements that are being added or edited:


The Type control specifies the type of toolbar button being defined.  Three types of toolbar buttons are supported.


Standard button commands are buttons that execute a single command.  Commands can either be built-in Just Manager commands or can be custom user defined external commands.

Whole Drop down

Whole Drop Down buttons are buttons that contain a list of other commands.

Drop down

Drop Down buttons are a combination of standard buttons and a drop down list of commands.  Pressing the main body of the button executes a single command (either built-in or custom external), while pressing the down arrow at the right side of the button will display a drop down list of commands.


The Name control is used to specify the text that is displayed in the toolbar hint text.


The [OK] button is used to accept the toolbar button definition and return control to the Toolbar Customization dialog.  Note that changes to any and all toolbar button definitions will not become final until the [OK] or [Apply] button is pushed in that dialog.


The [Cancel] button is used to discard all changes made to a toolbar button definition.  Control is returned to the Toolbar Customization dialog.

Command Tab

The Command tab defines a standard or custom command that is executed when the toolbar button is pressed.  The following controls are used to define the command.

Standard Commands

The Standard Commands are the Just Manager internal commands.  For descriptions on the various commands see the section Just Manager Commands.

Note that when using standard commands that if no icon is defined then the default toolbar icon for that command will be used.

Custom Commands

Just Manager supports extending it's functionality through the use of custom commands.  These commands are implemented through the use of user supplied applications and utilities

You can add file comparison tools, hex editors, or whatever other tools you like to use.

Custom Commands can also be used as a convenient launcher for your favorite applications such as browsers, email tools, etc..  For a list of commands to launch common Windows tools see the section Common Windows Tools Command Lines.

The following controls are used to define a custom command:


The Command editbox is used to specify the name of the program or file to execute.  Since the Windows Shell is used to execute the file it need not be an executable (.exe).

If you are running in a portable environment then the path to the command should be a relative path.  See the section Portability Issues for more information.


The Browse button can be used to browse/search for the external command file.  The standard Windows Open dialog is used to search.


The Parameters editbox is used to specify any command line parameters that you wish to send to the external program.  The parameters can contain the following macros (examples are based on the filename "C:\My Root\My Folder\My File.Filler.My Ext"):


The %DRIVE% macro specifies the drive letter (no colon or backslash).

Example: C


The %PATH% macro specifies the path portion of the file parameter.  This includes the drive and colon and all path components up to (but not including) the last backslash character.

Example: C:\My Root\My Folder


The %FILE% macro specifies the filename portion of the file parameter.  The parameter starts after the last backslash character up to but not including the last period character.

Example: My File.Filter


The %EXT% macro specifies the file extension which consists of all characters after the last period character.

Example: My Ext


The %FULL% macro specifies the complete file parameter enclosed in double quote characters.

Example: "My Root\My Folder\My File.Filler.My Ext"


The %ALL% macro is similar to the %FULL% macro except that instead of specifying just the focused file in the current tab of the active file panel, all selected files are passed.  Each file is specified using it's complete path and is enclosed in double quote characters.  Each file specification is separated by a space.


The Path editbox is used to specify the starting directory/folder where the custom command will be executed from.

As with the command itself, use relative paths when running in a portable environment.

Run As

The Run As checkbox control is used to specify that the command should be run with administrator privileges.  If unchecked then the program is run in normal user mode.


The Mode dropdown control is used to specify the display mode that the custom command will be launched in.  This may be set to Normal, Minimized, or Maximized.

Note that some programs will override this setting.

Icon Tab

The Icon tab is used to select the icon image that will be used on the toolbar for the command being defined.  The following controls are used:


The Source editbox control is used to specify the source file containing the icon to be used for the toolbar button.  The file may be of the following types:

.exeExecutable files
.dllDynamic link libraries
.icoIcon files
.iclIcon libraries

If a portable environment is being used then make sure the path of the file is portable (relative).  See the section Portability Issues for more details.


The [...] browse button is used to search/browse for the source icon file.  The standard Windows Open dialog is used.


The Icon control displays the icons available within the specified source file.  Select the icon you wish to use for the toolbar button.

Drop-down menu Tab
The Drop-Down Menu tab is used to define the commands that will be listed in a drop down list when the toolbar button is pressed.  The following controls are used to define the commands in the drop down menu.


The [Add ] button will insert a new command before the currently selected toolbar item.  Adding a drop won menu command uses the same mechanism as adding a toolbar button except that only standard commands may be added (not nestable).  See the Add/Edit section above for details.


The [Edit] button will edit the currently selected drop down menu item.  Editing a drop down menu command uses the same mechanism as editing a toolbar button except that only standard commands may be added (not nestable).  See the Add/Edit section above for details.


The [Delete] button will remove the currently selected drop down menu command or separator from the drop down menu.  No confirmation is requested by the command.


Separators are a special drop down menu item.  They are used for aesthetic reasons to allow grouping of the commands in the drop down menu list.  Separators are displayed as a horizontal bar.

Separators are not accessible by the user.

Multiple separators are supported.

The [Separator] button will insert a separator before the currently selected drop down menu item.

Move Up

The [Move Up] button will move the selected drop down menu item or separator in the list up one entry.  This button is not available when the first entry in the list is selected.

Move Down

The [Move Down] button will move the selected drop down menu item or separator in the list down one entry.  This button is not available when the last entry in the list is selected.

The following section describes drag and drop operations with the Main Toolbar.

Drag & Drop Operations

The Main Toolbar supports a single drag and drop operation.  Custom commands may be added to the toolbar by dragging their executable file to the toolbar and dropping it on the location where you wish to add the command's button.

A Custom command button is created with the name of the file used as the command's name.  The path of the file is automatically set as the starting path for the button.

Note that not only executables can be dragged and dropped.  If the file is not an executable then the toolbar button will cause the associated file to be opened with it's default associated program.  If a folder is dragged to the toolbar then the new toolbar becomes a shortcut to that folder.  Pressing the button will cause the current tab of the active File Panel to switch to that folder.

The following section describes the context menu operation with the Main Toolbar.

Context Menu Operations

Context menu commands are available by right clicking on a Main Toolbar button or in the space to the right of the last toolbar button.  The following commands are available from the context menu for the Main Toolbar.

Lock/Unlock toolbars

The Lock/Unlock Toolbars commands are used to lock and unlock the Main Menu Toolbar.  The toolbar can only be moved when it is unlocked.

This command is only available when the context menu is activated from an empty part of the toolbar.


The Customize command will display the toolbar customize dialog as described above.


The Remove command will delete the current toolbar button from the toolbar.  No confirmation is requested.

This command is only available when the context menus is activated from one of the toolbar buttons.

Go to

The Go To command will switch the current active file panel to the directory containing the custom executable file of the current toolbar button.

This command is only available when the context menus is activated from one of the toolbar buttons that is defined as a custom command button.

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